How do I create my first campaign?
1. Create a new campaign Click on the Home page at the top of the screen, then select “Create Campaign”. Choose your campaign's advertising format. Choose the format that best fits your campaign goals, such as pop ads, push notifications, or Interstitial.PopularWhat are the recommended rates per GEO and the estimated volumes for each ad format?
Bid, Win RatePopularSmart CPA on pop campaigns
Smart CPA is also known as a CPA Goal campaign. Smart CPA is an auto-optimization tool that helps drive conversions at the target price you set. Our algorithm predicts the traffic slices that are most likely to drive quality conversions at the desired price. How does Smart CPA work? The smart model is based on machine learning and large data sets. Once the campaign is launched, there is a period during which the algorithm learns to route the traffic most efficiently. During this peFew readersWhat is Source Id / Sub Source Id
Traffic is usually incoming from a lot of different sources, whether it's only our direct traffic, or if you've included 3rd party traffic and are now buying traffic from our partners, this guide will help explaining what are the Source Id / Sub Source Id on our platform. Source Id This segmentation represents a traffic source from a higher level hierarchy point of view, either one of Ad-Maven's direct sources, or a 3rd party traffic partner source. For Direct traffic - a Source Id isFew readersHow to integrate Ad-Maven S2S conversion tracking?
Tracking, TrackerFew readersWhat tracking macros are available?
What tracking macros are available? Use these macros to best track and optimize your campaign. Feel free to message the team if you need additional parameters: :countrycode Represents the country code of the user viewing or clicking on the ad. This is typically based on the user's IP address. Example: "US" for the United States, "FR" for France. :clickid Represents a unique identifier for the click. This is used to track individual clicks on the ad for attribution and repFew readersI've just signed up for Ad-Maven. What are my next steps?
Balance , FundsFew readersWhat targeting options are available?
Make sure that you can easily reach the right audience for your products and make your offer desirable and profitable using our targeting. We now offer a wide selection of advanced targeting options: Geographical location (GEO) Operating systems and their versions (OS) Device types Connection type Mobile carriers and ISPs Zone limitation Day parting (Please note the schedule will be according to the platform time - GMT) Frequency cappingFew readersHow to create a Global Blacklist?
1)Click on the Profile icon on the right side of the screen : 2)Click on the Global Blocked list : ( readersWhy doesn’t my campaign receive any traffic (or receive a very low volume)?
Raise default bid - In most cases, the campaign is receiving a sufficient amount of ad response, but the bid is too low to win traffic. In most cases raising the bid would solve this issue Malware / safe browsing breach - All campaigns go through automated scans to detect any malware or red flags from Google. Any flagged tracking link would stop receiving traffic immediately after being flagged. To resolve this issue, you need to clean your links from your tracker, or you can cheFew readersWhy was my campaign rejected?
Without exception, all advertisers must follow our Terms and Ad Quality Guidelines (View bottom). You should check for our policy rules before starting the campaign. Here are some basic Do Not Do while creating a campaign: Landing pages that promote illegal substances or banned products - Ad-Maven does not accept any landing pages thaFew readers